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Thursday, 13 January 2011

Sweet Thursday!

Thursday 6:30 p.m.
                            One of my excuses for getting the beers in last night was that I've been having trouble sleeping of late. Sober and straight and not getting to sleep. Wired maybe. This might have accounted for Sunday night, but Monday night was really weird. I don't think I slept much then at all. About four in the morning, I sat up and started meditating and thereafter spent a long time lying on my side with an awful lot of white light in my head, or as the visuals anyway. So on Tuesday I was falling asleep at my jobbie, sort of dozing off and jerking back into wakefulness at my desk.
                           Over the last couple of nights I've been remembering bits of quite a few dreaming episodes. Sometimes when my dreams aren't so good, they're about getting lost somewhere or not being able to get back to where I should be. I haven't had a really vivid one like that for some time, but this morning (after succumbing to the beer the night before)  I dreamt that I was in a queue at a buffet. You had to walk round and fill your plate. I couldn't get any of the food onto mine, or it would slip off. Mainly this was fried eggs. The only food I could get onto the plate that stayed there was a rather greyish looking and not very appetising piece of dead animal. I couldn't get that off the plate! This just kept going on and on as I went round the circle of food.
                          You don't need Freud to analyse that one, do you, Jack? No, Hotboy. Your heid is mince!!
                           I've meditated for nearly five hours today so far and should get passed six before I hit the bottle of vino collapso I bought earlier. Oh well!


Marie Rex said...

I think late winter makes us restless. I've not been sleeping well lately either.

Cabin fever is my problem, I expect. It is not nice enough to be outside for longer than to feed the little birds.

Hotboy said...

Marie! You can look forward to spring now. It's not long now! Hotboy

rob said...

I hate the nodding off at the desk experience, when you can't give in to it. I got that most afternoons at Dunedin council, after liquid lunch at the Half Way House I think it was called.

Beer as insomnia cure! Were you still getting enough daytime exercise to balance the sitting?

rob said...

PS Doc Bob says the slippery fried eggs (were they fertilised?) symbolize all the babes you could be impregnating if only it was the stone age and you were a tribal elder. But we need to forgo that malarkey as the price of stability, electricity, plumbing and welfare. It all balances up.

Hotboy said...

Albert? I had another frustration dream last night. I was trying to roll and cannybliss cigarette and it took ages and ages and turned out shaped like a book in the end and I could only smoke the rounded spine. What does Dr Bob make of that? Hotboy

rob said...

I don't need to tell you what the impossible spliff means at your age. Doc Bob says the book spine means your substitute is books. Unfortunately he didn't specify giving or receiving, reading or writing. Swami Bob pointed out the kundalini connotations of the spine. It's all coming together, though not in the biblical sense Jim.

rob said...

PS last night I dreamt it was .. Ach, I should do this at my place ...