Friday 3:50 p.m.
The thesis could be the Einsteinian view of the big stuff. The antithesis could be the Niels Bohr view of the teeny weeny stuff. The contradiction between these views has been solved to my own satisfaction by the idea I had yesterday about the world as we know it behaving the way it seems to (the Einsteinian or classical way) due to the underlying consciousness or big self or awareness fixing it that way.
I think this particular penny dropped because of two things in the New Scientist article I read. One was that the contradiction could be solved if something was observing our universe from outside it: a classical observer in a quantum universe. The writer skirted away from this very quickly because he'll be a scientist and probably an atheist and those kind of people don't like the idea of anything being outside the universe. You can't get outside the universe(s). The other thing in the article that probably helped the penny drop was when the writer said one school of thought suggested the whole thing would make sense when other properties, so far unknown, were discovered concerning the wee tottie things.
I don't think this can be an original idea. It's so blinking obvious once you've thought it, especially if you've witnessed the big self in some degree or other. Millions of people have done this. It's the bog standard mystical experience. The thing you see seems to have an awareness just as you have awareness (it's like your expanded awareness) of self, and it seems to be powerful and moving the universe like the Holy Ghost or prana is sometimes described. Another good thing about this idea is that you don't need an observer outside our universe. Our universe at some level is the observer.
I love this idea. It helps reality to seem less concrete and so helps with my understanding of emptiness. Emptiness is logical and so it this idea. It fits. It's almost as if I've managed to deduce the big self as well as having seen it once. That's why I was so pleased yesterday. It marries experiential mysticism with science.
Are you trying to tell the spam robots that this is the truth, Hotboy? No, Jack. I don't believe in the truth. I think this is a hypothesis that takes care of the contradiction between the classical and quantum views. It helpfully re-enforces the idea that we are not what we think we are and it's not happening to us the way we think it's happening to us, and this is very good indeed.
The Disbelieving Congregation has a distinctive idea! Hurrah!!
If you're addicted to brain teasers now, you could try the Telegraph crossword next. If only the Alma Mater guy could have put the same effort into his uni essays! At least it's all balancing up now.
Albert? I do try with the meditating, but this idea came whenst you shouldn't be following the thoughts. It's like when you try to write plays and sometimes it just joins up in your head. Hotboy
I say!
I think this is an exceptional theory, which will definitely improve batting technique.
The batsman sees the cricket ball in terms of it being the universe, and he sees it, in quantum terms, as if he is outside that universe. The ball becomes one with the batsman. If he is 'in the quantum zone' he will be able to hit it for six.
You should send your theory to Wisden.
Mingin'! Creekit is such a silly game that the winner/loser dichotomy is transcended by the chaps saying jolly good show to everything ... well, the action is miles away and they can't see straight by apres luncho due to all the G and Ts consumed. Hotboy
I say!
Well, if a couple of G&Ts are going to crash your quantum cricket theory, it's not exactly likely to catch on, now, is it?
Mingin'! I want the Nobel Prize. It's big bucks!! You'll have to sponsor me. The Swedes must be a bunch of turnips really so they probably like the creekit!! Hotboy
I say!
Does your Quantum Theory of Everything, Including Cricket idea not borrow somewhat from the thesis posed in that excellent tome by Flan Mackenzie: "Are you boys cycling to the policeman's ball?"
Mingin'! As Ibsen said (or somebody anyway!): There's been nothing new since Sophocles! Hotboy
I say!
I think that your Quantum Theory of Everything, Including Cricket is proved by this video.
Mingin'! Is it a Beach Boys video? Hotboy
I say!
It's a demonstration of the Quantum Theory of Everything, Including Cricket, in practice.
KP blindfolds himself, then faces an automatic bowling machine hurtling a solid object (a cricket ball) at his face at 100 mph.
Through becoming (quantumly) one with the ball, the universe, the moon, and all that stuff), KP, though blindfolded, is able to bat the ball away to the boundary, and in doing so, smashes the ball through the window of a house belonging to the evil bourgeois.
It thus proves your original dichotomous postulation, originally posed, so I believe, by Nobis Ralwin (anag), several years ago, at the University of the McDonald & UnHeard ofs. I've lost the citation.
Can't say fairer than that!
I say!
Nobis gave the paper at the Shag Island breakout session, Duneditin 2007, chaired by Cap'n Kev.
Perhaps you're now able to trace the original citation. Our Kalimbuka Internet connection is a bit flaky tonight, otherwise I'd find it myself.
I say!
I've found the abstract.
Mingin'! I know that as soon as I clicky onto anything, I'll be watching surf music, so say it is in words! Hotboy
I say!
Wilson heard a rumour that decrepit old people in dear old Blighty get free travel on buses. Is that true? If so, his great-greatt uncle is decrepit, and would like to apply.
Mingers, I'm receiving you, you're saying it's all just a load of old Ralwin's postulates. PS Hotters you should click on the cricket video, it has blissheid implications.
Mingin'! I have applied for my over sixties bus pass!! This is communism you can afford. There was a foreign lady manning the desk. When I presented the documentation, she fainted and had to be revived by other members of staff, and when she came to screamed: It's Doran Grey. He's got a photie somewhere in this attic! I told her that I looked amazingly young for my age by sticking to a hard discipline of physical jerks and meditations. I did not stand on my head because sometimes you can just gild the lily, don't you think? Hotboy p.s. It great to be surrounded by your contemporaries and they all look as if they've just been dug up.
Albert? Interesting creekit video. How come he can't hit the ball without a blindfold? Hotboy
I say!
KP is at one with the ball. He has mastered the Quantum Theory of Everything, Including Cricket, as postulated bay Ralwin.
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