Thursday 11:45 a.m.
It's hard to settle today since I have an appointment this afternoon. If I didn't have that appointment, I'd be going to hospital to see our friend with the MS. Some conditions aren't going to last forever. You wish they would and somehow you wish they wouldn't as well. I heard of a sixty four year old guy who died in his sleep from a massive stroke last week. It's like winning the pools, so it is!
No worries with the bliss this morning. Fabuloso! I know I'm "unleashing forces", but the amount of bliss coming with them makes me think that this must be the way to go. We'll see.
If God made man in his own image and likeness, what kind of gnashers does he have?
3:40 p.m.
The extraction ... before he sawed my bridge into bits and pulled that molar ... he said he'd need to extract another one next week since the root was fractured. Once he'd extracted today's one, I told him it was the best extraction I'd ever had and was looking forward to the next one.
Smoked some anesthetics beforehand and was in the bliss for almost all the time I was sitting in his chair. If you can conjure up any of the bliss, it's got to be a big help!!
Now, I'm going onto wordpress to set up the new, boring and dull, self serving waste of time and energy blog. I'll be using my real name, so if you know my real name you should be able to find it. I don't think I'm allowed by the iron laws of commerce to insult anyone on this blog, or go on about ra bliss, or ... this is like having to do homework when you'd rather go out and play football with all the thick people.
4:20 p.m.
I was told by the old, toothless one that I should use wordpress. New usernames, new passwords ... I couldn't use my own name either ... it's a stupid game for wee boys all that clicky clicky crap ...and I managed to post the first post and it was just three photies of my book jackets and the whole thing is thoroughly depressing and not a fit activity for a proper blissheid like moi! Who wants to be bothered with all that crap?
The wish that it be made known that I was the author is the thought of a man not yet adult ... or one who would like to make some money!!
I say!
Brian Wilson has a super Wordpress blog. Maybe you could ask him for some tips.
Mingin'! Hey, Brian, how's about a few tips? Well, Hotboy, my best tip is to always have one hamburger less than you'd want to have. Hotboy p.s. Don't think I haven't learned over the years!
I did a search, as I do know your name and got over 6,000 hits but couldn't find you. How about a hint?
Marie! I'll send you the url when I've decided that I'm going ahead with this. I was so pissed off trying to get it started yesterday ... but I'll look at this evening and make up my mind. All I want to do is meditate, but the world isn't made for just doing that! Hotboy
If you like playing with thick people, get a job like Albert's.
I agree that an instantaneous stroke is a good way. But I'm told that you don't skip the suffering - all the pain is compressed into that one excruciating instant. Everything balances up.
Dentistry's a great business model. They sedate you so much that you end up asking for another extraction.
Albert? Dentists! You'd be better never going near them!! Young folk these days have great teeth!! Hotboy
It must be all that oral sex they have. A thingy a day keeps the dentist away.
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