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Wednesday, 16 March 2011


Wednesday 6:00 p.m.
                                 The flowers photie was taken up the allotment this afternoon. I was avoiding the flat. I'll have to avoid the flat all day tomorrow as well, but since I am not going to work till Monday and have no fung appointments apart from the auld maw, I've nothing to be crabbit about. Hurrah!
                                 Beef McDuck is holed up in his flat in Bahrain. He has pasta and tuna and two crates of beer, so he should be okay. It's a times like this that I wish I led a more exciting life. My brother Popeye was on the last plane out if Iran during the fall of the Shah.


Anonymous said...

is that not an accidentally exciting life? excitement is a double edged sword, especially if you are a bahrainian!

MM III said...

I say!

Doviko knows someone who would like to be your housekeeper. It looks as if you need one.


zomba said...

Anony! The McDuck's are made of stern stuff! No flight to the airport, but to the off-licence! Hotboy
Mingin'! Is Doviko a woman? Wouldn't that be something!Hotboy

rob said...

The photos are indeed Japanoid. It would be gelling living in the middle of a building site, so you're fortunate the bliss gives you some immunity.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Gelling? Nothing gives you immunity from the waves! Hotboy

rob said...

The bloody iPod spell corrector changed it to gelling. Can't remember what I actually typed. Not that it matters.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Galling or gelded? Hotboy

Hotboy said...

Albert? Have you got someone living in the Ipod with you? A geodesic dome chum? Hotboy

rob said...

A spelling corrector is actually not a person, it's a devilishly clever software tool. Rodders will show you.

rob said...

PS the original word was hellish.

Hotboy said...

Albert? But that's English! Was the spell checker doda set up by a foreigner? Hotboy

rob said...

Probably an American biblebasher who thinks hellish is a cussword.