Tuesday 8:45 p.m.
Once I saw this guy shouting at the teevee news and thought this amusing and quaint. I do it a lot now, usually when the BBC is boosting the monarchy, which they do almost every evening with all the obsequiousness of a million Indian waiters. Tonight they were advertising the Hewitt kid who's going to walk to the North Pole, or something. They're trying to knock him off, so they are. He'll probably get fed to the polar bears. Still, if his half brother gets killed by the moslems ... He'd make a much better king for the stupid Englanders. At least, he's English through and through.
I was once part of a photo opportunity for the Horsey One. She was visiting this exhibition in the Fruit Gallery and when I heard she was coming to be filmed for the news speaking to some kids, I tried to leave and the security wouldn't let me. We, including a very pregnant woman with two kids, were held hostage for several hours. She showed up and walked about for ten minutes so she could get on the news and then left. I was completely outraged.
This boy on the teevee last night (great having BBC Four on freeview!) said if our sun was represented by a grain of sand, then there wouldn't be enough grains of sand in all the beaches of the world to represent the number of stars in the universe. So what's happening with the royalty on the teevee maybe isn't really that important. But I just find it disgraceful to be reigned over by anyone, to be a subject and not a citizen.
The vote against the monarchy has got to go to the SNP. Only by being independent have we any bloody chance of getting rid of them. A lot of the little Englanders 'love' the monarchy. Even some Scottishy folk, but mainly the evil protestant bourgeois, and some other stupid people. The tims never liked them.
I got distracted in the hut this evening by thinking about my kidbook called Light in the Dark. It's a lousy title. I was thinking of changing it to The Demon Masters, then I thought I'd change it to The Land of the Demon Masters. What do you think? Do you think that's an improvement? Almost anything would be. You could have a map as well, if you had someone to draw one.
You are hoping for a lot if you think the SNP is actually going to do anything useful. Bunch of posers.
I'm just back and need to catch up before I can comment on your book title.
I say!
For the title, I suggest "Playing With A Straight Bat"
It would be a bestseller, with that title.
chico caliente
i think you need to lose the demon word from the title.Put the two titles together for something like light masters?
i planted some tatties in a pot the day, wonder how they´ll turn out, it´s not very deep tho.
Marie! You're probably right! Hotboy
Mingin'! Dearie me!
Spango Yogini: Unfortunately, the title should make some reference to the text! Hotboy
I say!
I think I can see your book on the shelves of this library.
Mingin'! I'm not wasting my clicky on any more of those links! Hotboy
I say!
Mrs M has ordered 12 copies of the Royal Wedding celebrationn coin. She's going to present one to each of the servants' children. They love that sort of thing. There will be wild celebrations in Kalimbuka that day. Bunting everywhere.
Mingin'! Whilst the tom toms beat out that the evil ones must have their throats slit while they sleep!! Hope this helps. Hotboy
good link! that is a good looking library not to mention the ceiling!
I say Anon!
Did you see Hotboy's book? Third shelf down on the left side.
I say!
Did that boy on the telly remember to count the beach at Porty? According to Brian Wilson, there's quite a lot of sand there, you know.
The Naked Masters.
In relation to book titles or titles in general, I think the best ones might just have been taken already. 'The Grapes of Wrath', 'For Whom the Bell Tolls', 'A Midsummer Nights Dream'.. Then again a title is only as good as the book so maybe a good title is reflected in the glory of a good book? Anyway good luck in working out a title.
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