All I want is a room somewhere,
Far away from the cold night air,
With one enormous chair.
Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?
The too dumb to meditate are a menace to everyone else. People shouldn't be allowed to mix with other people unless they meditate. There is nothing you can do with the too dumb to meditate. The best thing you can do is keep away from them. Right away. Far away.
The time from last Wednesday till now has been horrible. I am trying to wipe it from my memory and proceed to better times.
Funnily enough, I've had to spend hardly any time with flatheids. It all balances up. Mind you I am a flatheid and you're not. It all balances up.
Albert? The day is much improved, and improving, so it is! Hotboy
Hey your week might have been bad but at least you aren't Japanese! Also alcohol is the only sure fire memory loss method I know.
Anony!! I've cheered up!! My week was only bad for me since normally I have a very nice time indeed! Also, I have made some quite drinkable home brew for once, so, I won't! Hotboy
I say!
Meditation is supposed to make you calmer and more hospitable, not crabbed.
Just let go of it all! Float free!
Mingin'! I know. I should ask for my money back! Hotboy
Anony: It's Tuesday now. Hurrah! Hotboy
It's all about the maths, so it is
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