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Tuesday, 14 June 2011

My kind of day!

Tuesday 6:00 p.m.
                            What a lovely day I had today! The first meditation lasted two hours. You have a wee break and then another meditation, and then you have to have lunch and a wee nap. This is a great way to start the day.
                             After the wee nap, I went up to the allotment and the weather was lovely and sunny. I sat outside and meditated and then I did a wee bit of weeding. Then I went across to the Botanics and sat meditating under a wonderful big chestnut tree.
                            If the flatheids can just hold it together, what a wonderful couple of years I'm going to have. Then I'll die happy!
                            You might think this sounds like a very boring day, but the less I do the more exciting it gets. The meditations are so dynamic, absorbing and interesting. I must have done a bit over four hours today. I do another couple of hours this evening .... and  ... Oh, what a fortunate creature I am, I am! What a fortunate creature I am!
                            The first three photies are of the allotment. The cabbages are coming along great. The last two are from where I was sitting in the Botanics. There was nothing much happening in the sky today since the weather was so good, but it looks as if it might get a bit interesting later on!


NaNoSkye said...

Glad you had good weather, mine is not so much so.

I've got some peppers in the porch windows that are doing well.

Hotboy said...

Marie! My plot is full of weeds!!! But I started meditating today at quarter past eight. The old toothless one will be collecting me to go for a run in just over an hour. After that, lunch and nap! What a great life it is when you don't have to go to work! And no worries! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

I Won! I Won! I Won!

Yes, in the ongoing perpetual war with computers, today I won a two-day battle. You'd need two PhDs to understand how I did it, and there was a great deal of random and angry clicking involved as well, but everything seems to be working once more. I outflanked the computer. Hurrah!

And to the person who created the virus that started it all, that virus that my anti-virus software didn't find, that when finally deleted made it impossible for .exe files to be started, I say - I will throw you to the Taliban for continuous torture after I've finished with you.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! In the bongo bongo where the dongle is king ... you may be suffering a cyber attack. Oh well, you'll know better than to go on those sites the next time! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

As those distant cousins of Abdul, who were members of Frelimo, in the nastier parts of Mocambique during the war there used to say: "A luta continua"


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! Hmmm? Bit early for the wine gums, isn't it? Are you celebrating? Hotboy

rob said...

Great sheltering tree. Just needs a nubile to shelter with you.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Might interrupt the meditations! Hotboy