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Sunday, 5 June 2011


12:36 a.m.
                Today is the day that I don't have to go to work tomorrow. Big hurrah!
                I don't think I'll ever have to go to work every again. Isn't that amazing? Hurrah!
                Whilst sitting on the cushion today, the peace and joy and such like were such that I wondered how long I would have to live to experience the satiation, the contentment, etc., And I did not think this would take very long though I know it might take an awful long time. But there was a glimpse.
                Hmmm? Is there any point in saying this to folk who don't meditate? I don't think so. Flatheids just don't get the bliss. But I am basically writing this to myself. Maybe I'll read over it when I get the black spot to gauge the thoughts. But today the meditations were amazing. Hurrah!


NaNoSkye said...

Interesting the comment I left yesterday seems to have gone to Data Heaven.

Hotboy said...

Marie! Isn't that odd!! My comment has gone as well! Overcast out there just now, but not raining. Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

Marie - in that lost comment, you were encouraging him to talk about the bliss. Always a bad idea.