Monday 10.00 a.m.
There are maybe three things you should be trying for. Getting out of cyclic existence, gaining the altruistic attitude and developing a sensible view of reality.
As far as getting out of cyclic existence is concerned ... I don't really feel involved with this since I don't think I am in a cyclic existence situation. I think the person I think I am (which I am not) will die when I die and that's good riddance to him. If there is some kind of continuum where some other poor basturn (or dog) has to take on the results of what I've done, we'll you've got to feel sorry for the poor basturn. He or she is probably going to have a hard time giving up stuff, like tobacco and the beer, since that could go on for eons and eons.
The altruistic intention is something you have to develop, and it isn't easy. Well, not for moi anyway. You have to develop an instinct to help people, especially help them with the suffering, I suppose. My instinct is to tell them to meditate or blow their brains out since they are such useless basturns, but I am working on it!
It's nearly 10:15 a.m. and I haven't meditated today yet. Can't seem to get out of my bed till after nine these days. What sloth!!
I have a feeling that thee and me will spend a long time in cyclic existence.
The only good thing is that we won't remember this. But that is bad in that we will also forget the good we have learned and have to start over.
Always with karma biting at our heels.
Marie! I do not like this cyclic existence stuff! If you can't even be deid when you're deid ... dearie me! Hotboy
It's altruistic of you to bequeath the addictions to somebody else. Next lifetime you could try developing empathy. Those bourgeois folk like Albert are so fortunate to have innate empathy, presumably as perfect souls they progress straight to Valhalla or whatever blunderheids call it.
PS. Are you boys cyclic?
Albert? As long as you remember that you're not going anywhere. Are you boys autistic? Hotboy
Thanks to the toilet training I'm too normal for afflictions.
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