Monday 10:30 a.m.
On Friday I felt I was missing conversation. I haven't seen any of my deep, dear friends for a bit. Today I wakened up a bit crabbit. Focused on my appointments, the ones that came in after Friday. Appointments arising like great problems in the future!!
Tonight a friend is coming down to see me for a wee bit. He's in the most grotesque of situations since he's looking after a disabled person and he's ..... anyway, he was told about the bliss a long, long time ago, but flatheids are so dumb the don't even know they're flatheids, and besides meditating seemed like a lot of work to him, and he wouldn't mind getting the bliss, but .... so he's on the full strength anti-depressants.
Flatheids are so depressing, especially when the alternative is sitting getting into some wonderful bliss and trying to raise the heat.
Tomorrow I've agreed to go cycling with Brian Wilson, El Grosso! This will take a whole afternoon. And the one suggestion you'll never hear from a flatheid is the one that says let's meditate. Fortunately, it's pissing down outside and it that keeps up, but ..... Brian Wilson is a hopeless alcoholic and if it's raining he could easily suggest spending all day getting blootered in the pub.
I've got an appointment on Friday night, but that should be alright. I'm not complaining about that one. It's a quiz night in some church hall. If I'm lucky, there won't be a bar to avoid there and I might actually enjoy speaking to those people.
The reason why seeing flatheids is such a trauma is that these are perfect opportunities to behave badly. I really don't want to drink and smoke any more, and it's probably like being a junkie ... the first thing to do is get rid of your junkie pals!!
I think the reason why I'm in a bad mood this morning is partly because I did a boxing training session last night which I haven't quite gotten over yet. Also, the carpet layers are due any minute.
Of course, being anxious about seeing your deep, dear friends is idiotic. Any of that kind of anxiety about the future is idiotic.
What do you think I should do, Jack? Well, Hotboy, the thing to do is continue to meditate throughout the day as best you can, and then when you feel fabulously happy and bursting with bliss, joy and good intentions, tell the flatheids to just fung off!!
2:00 p.m.
Just got an email from Brian Wilson asking if we can go to the pub instead tomorrow as he's had a terrible shock. The Philippino slave he had lined up for his new liver transplant has ran away! Dearie me! He says he need counselling and can only get that in the pub!!
10:50 p.m.
The boy's like Job. You couldn't make it up. Couldn't meet a nicer guy either. The usual. Still no tobacco or alcohol though.
I was thinking that the luckiest thing that ever happened to me was that I wanted to meditate. This makes me way more fortunate than anyone I know. It seems strange to me that folk don't meditate even after you tell them about the bliss, but whichever way you look at it, we are few and far between us meditaters. We few, we fortunate few!
It's not surprising you prefer staying in to do blissage, considering the alternatives.
Albert? Old flatheids .... what's the point of being an old flatheid? Idiote, morons and sad basturns every one!! Hotboy
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