Saturday 11:00 p.m.
Yesterday I got an email from Kindle telling me that they'd put £10:88 into my bank account. Usually, I just delete stuff from Kindle, but there was something different about this and I kept staring at it. Were they giving me money? I honestly never expected any money for ebooks because I thought they said you weren't getting any unless you'd generated a hundred dollars of business, but they must have changed the rules.
I think they give me about 26p an ebook, and that means that about forty books must have been sold. I don't know since my account has been blocked for ages now. God knows why.
I was dead pleased to get the money!! Considering the lack of marketing from me, I have no idea how folk found these books. Typically, the book which has sold the most seems to be the thriller, which is probably the worst book there!!
There's been no tobacco since Tuesday. Sober and straight and off to bed tonight with a book. Oh well.
I wonder how many of those books were bought by New South Caledonians.
PS I suppose signed copies are a thing of the past.
Albert? According to the figures I got a look at yesterday, bugger all! The folk staggering about drunk in the desert didn't register at all. Hardly any in America. None in Europe. Almost all in Blighty. You should have a go at TheBlissBook since you are involved in education! Hotboy
I see what you're saying - you bought most of the copies yourself. Good idea - cheap Xmas presents.
I already read an advance copy ages ago, so unless the ebook has extra multimedia features like photos and interviews, I may have to wait till Cyclists II comes out.
Albert? If you bought one, you don't have to read the rest. Be nice if you reviewed them though. Nobody's reviewed The Buddha and the Big Bad Wolf yet. The DM liked it so it's probably not bad. You could give it five stars and say: Great value. I enjoyed this book much better than going to India, and there was no Delhi belly afterwards! Hotboy p.s. You can't give ebooks as Xmas presents because there's really nothing there except ones and noughts and some photons!
The DM? Domestic Miss? Doc Martin? Drug Master!
Hotters, I shouldn't review it without buying it. I was barred from eBay when they decided a review I posted there must be a fake. If Amazon bars me too, I'd be a complete leper.
Albert? We must be on the wrong post! There's no DM here! Hotboy
Hotters. Are you back on the sauce? I quote from your comment above: "The DM liked it so it's probably not bad." Dearie me, do I have to do everything myself?
Albert? Should have been DB, but Brian Wilson tells me that doesn't always stand for Domestic Bliss! Hotboy
Hotters, after all, the M key is in the general area of the B so an easy typo to make when blootered.
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