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Friday, 4 November 2011

The Woolly Caterpillar Enigma

Friday 10:50 p.m.
                          Had another wonderful training session this evening. Twenty to Mr Iyengar's yogic jumpings and six three minute rounds of shadow boxing with half minute partitions. I think I've found my salvation for this winter. Running is nothing like as enjoyable. It's cold and dark out there now, Jack.
                          Yesterday in Newmains was great. The meditations were occasionally fantastic. You have to sit there for a long time, but it certainly has its compensations!! Of course, it's not about the bliss. I was able to spend two hours in the late afternoon sitting in the gorgeous back garden. I was staring slightly upwards at the sky above the outhouse, at the changing cloudscape, only interrupted by the visitation of a cat. I'm trying to do more emptiness stuff, much inspired by the video I saw last weekend.
                           And the world doesn't seem to be such a vale of tears anymore, Jack! No, indeedee not!


Anonymous said...

I say!

It's Saturday, here in Kalimbuka.

Do you still spend your Saturdays in Dear Old Blighty watching the wrestling on ITV (Jackie Pallo, Mick McMannus) and then switching to the BBC for Dr Who?


rob said...

Mingers. Not forgetting checking your coupon against the football results on the teleprinter.

rob said...

You could completely avoid going outside in winter if you could just dig a tunnel to Newmains. To save a bit of time, start the tunnel at the allotment, and use a taxi between there and the hothouse.