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Sunday, 29 April 2012

The wild west

Sunday 4.24 p.m.
                          This is what the coast looked like in Ayrshire this morning.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Lanarkashire photies

Friday 6.17 p.m.
                         Both great grannies were looking a bit ropy this time, so I hope that works itself out. Bad news from the emails when I got back. A friend of ours has an eighteen year old son who seems to have just got out of intensive care after getting a doin' from the polis in Shreveport, which is famous now as the place where the vampires come from in True Blood. Anyway, I saw the charge sheet and it looks like he's getting done for police assault. Plus ca change!

Wednesday, 25 April 2012


Wednesday 11.16 a.m.
                                    The kiddo and her boyfriend were round last night and I had a bottle of collapso.
                                     Did you just have one bottle, Hotboy? No beer? No, Jack, I'm tapering off!
                                     Actually, if folk are round here, you can't train or meditate, so what the hell are you supposed to do?
                                      Today I wakened up just after four and started meditating at five. Then I had a wee lie down again after breakfast and dozed on and off till half ten. It's a great life this being unemployed but not completely skint, so it is!
                                       I'm lying in the yoga nidra position on top of the duvets and I tell myself I'm going to dream and I'll know I'm dreaming. You do the bliss and drift off. I'm going down the Calder Road in Mossend and take a jump and manage to stay off the ground and go down the hill like that and round the corner, and down the hill again that is Orbiston Drive, the street where I was born. I'm dead pleased with this. And I waken up, but I'm still knackered (since I was up so early!), so I do the same again: tell myself I'm going to dream, etc.
                                         This time I'm with the same crew, but we're in the beautiful, wonderful city. The Domestic Bliss is hustling me to go to this gathering which turns out to be in a big flat full of weird, Hare Krishna hippy types. Some of the not very attractive women there were wearing the long skirts and all, and some had painted faces and were acting a bit oddly.
                                           There was an irritating chanting record on and I tried to close my eyes and do the bliss, but someone asked me if I'd like my back massaged. So I said okay and she sat behind me and ended up pressing five acupuncture points, so sent the bliss ballistic. I asked if we could go out into the yard and try to fly. This time I went right up and the city looked gorgeous, as it does sometimes, and when I came back down was most happy. I told the woman I'd like that massage again, and tried to get her to agree for the next day. She indicated two folk who were necking close by and said she'd like the meeting to go something more like that, and because of this I had to make my excuses and waken up.
                                            I've been having a lot of vivid, not lucid, dreams recently. This might be because I've been drinking more since I gave up the pizza. Dream yoga is one of the six yogas of Naropa. Flying dreams are, of course, very common. It's been a great morning so far!!!
                                             The photies were taken out of the side and back windows yesterday.

Monday, 23 April 2012

Monday 4:50 p.m.
                            I had to deliver a message today in Tollcross so I took the opportunity to have the first bike ride of the year and cycled to Cramond. It didn't rain on me. An old doll on a bike stopped and chatted to me while I was taking the photies. I would have asked her to go for a drink in the Cramond Inn for a chat about tantric sex, but I had no money on me, so I made my excuses and cycled on!

Wonderful Monday!

Monday Noon
                        The top photie was taken out the room window, the room that isn't used since it's been decorated. Nobody ventures into the living room anymore due to the piles of stuff and wardrobes and all still being untouched since the decorators left. But I hoovered my room this morning until the sucky thing stopped working properly. I hadn't read the manual so I'll leave the bag change to the Domestic Bliss and maybe finish hoovering in another couple of years. I've made bread and soup this morning.
                         My meditations in between times were fabulous. I could, of course, be heading for disaster since I'm doing all the stuff the lama told me not to and thoroughly enjoying the effects. The vase breathing stuff just gets more and more amazing and fascinating as the channels or whatever continue to open up. I'll meditate until about one now, then have some lunch and then a wee sleep.
                           What a wonderful life this is! What a fortunate creature I am, I am! What a fortunate creature I am!

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Mare work!!

Sunday 4.46 p.m.
                           I made the mistake today of looking at my emails and discovered that someone was hacked off about the amount of typos in the book about the future being ancient. What a pain in the neck!! The consiglieri and I uploaded that book a year or so before the others, didn't put a proper cover on it or anything. Just to see if there was any point really. There didn't seem to be then. The other books were put up as quickly as I could get them up and with little grace, I must admit. I thought there might be an off chance that I might make some money from them, and, really, there was no life in them otherwise. But I assumed the first book was alright, and it wasn't. I didn't even remember that it hadn't been proof-read. So this morning I had to delete it.
                           This means I'm going to have to re-read the damn thing and correct the mistakes that were made in the scanning, and all. This is a big pain in the neck since the bloody thing won't make any money anyway and .... I was reading the Dalai Lama today up the allotment and he was saying that you have to ask yourself if you've done enough practise at certain points in your life, and I know I haven't.
                            What blinking use is having these books up on Kindle doing me? It just wastes my time. I really thought I could put those books up on Kindle and just walk away from the whole writing thing and really concentrate on the meditations, but it hasn't worked out like that at all. Always, always, it pulls you back in.
                             After I've corrected the bloody thing, I'll then have all the fun of finding out how to upload stuff again, and how to do this and do that. Dearie, dearie me!!!
                              The boss was up at the allotment this afternoon. It's been a gorgeous day (well, once I got out!) and I finished the last wee bit of sod busting, and she made the ... construction. I'm looking forward to having a fried egg on a bit of bread and a wee nap. Might as well get pissed tonight again!! Dearie me!!

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Saturday night!

Saturday 10.30 p.m.
                               Sober and straight on a Saturday night. Meditated and went for a walk this afternoon, then this evening, after meditating some more, I did my first shadow boxing session for ages and ages, weeks due to the tyranny of the diggings. In the full Beer Monster Reduction Vehicle as well. It was actually not as bad as I was expecting and, in fact, I was feeling a lot better than I expected when I got into rounds five and six. The diggings have maybe strengthened me up a wee bit!
                                Somebody gave the kidbook about the town full of bugs a five star review today, but the book about the bliss, which was on a free download today, was not getting downloaded at all. I assumed this was because of the lousy review it got at the start of the week - it is the latest so the first review you see - but someone on a thread told me they'd downloaded the book earlier on, so there's been some glitch on the Amazon reports.
                                 Sober and straight and now I'll lie on my bed and watch Match of the Day! What a life!

Afternoon photies!

Saturday 4.32 p.m.
                            I took these photies on the way to the hut this afternoon. Then I went to the Botties, but it started to rain so I came home.
                            Blogger have totally changed the stuff you see when you log in. I hate that. I hate being forced to learn anything. I want to unlearn things. All I can see when I log on now is stuff from Albert's blog!! Fung liberty, so it is. I'd start a new blog somewhere else, but then I'd just have to learn more new stuff, and I hate that!!

Friday, 20 April 2012

Mare Photies on Friday Night!

Friday 10.45 p.m.
                           The camera has a flash thing button, so the bottom photie of the candle in the hut, as the night was falling, is discernible. I wanted it not to work when I was taking the photie of the windaes, but it seemed not to switch off. Someone at the party I was at last weekend told me she liked the photies on this blog, and anyone saying they like this blog, or even the photies on this blog, I find that highly embarrassing because I can't take photies and I canny work the camera. They never tell me they like my books because they never read them, but I can write books. Some folk will hate them and some folk will like them, and the last thing I want to do is read one of them, but ...
                            The fecking photies of the first tattie leaf to appear is blurred because, as Mary Queen of Scots advised, you should go back a bit, but if you go back a bit, you don't get the photie you want. I don't like deleting the photies and only sticking in the good ones because the photies aren't really photies, they're what I was looking at ... at the time. I'm the Jack Kerouac of photies except, like Jack, it's not completely spontaneous and there were two photies the same as the one at the bottom as I was trying to work the flash thing and I didn't stick both in the bloggy.
                            After getting back from the hut, I went to the off licence and bought two cans of Grolsch and a bottle of twelve percent plonko collapso. (The cans are squoshed now and the bottle is half way down )  This is my dose these days. 
                             My nephew is in Bahrain just now. I hope he watches the Formula One race on the teevee and doesn't go out to watch the riots, which is what an idiot like me would do. I think we stand on our high ground and condemn regimes that do horrible things as if we were wonderful, and we are wonderful, and we should condemn these regimes, but we are fortunate creatures, those of us who live in the beautiful, wonderful city, and can sit in our huts, and I don't imagine that the great buddha, Lama Yeshe Losal, knows my name, but when I go down there on the 2nd of March, if he sees me, he will recognise me ... probably as that stupid, drunken basturn who could have had it all, but couldn't even spend one night alone after sitting in the hut without hitting the off-licence again, and wanting the wrong things is easy, and comfortable, but ... grief, sorrow, lamentations ... disillusionment, disappointment and despair ... suffering in this life is what you get from walking that kind of walk. 
                              I watched some of Piers Morgan interviewing Frank Bruno tonight. I love Frank Bruno. I went to see him in a cinema in Glasgow when he was fighting Iron Mike at four in the morning, and I went there with Shiva, whom I also love but don't see much of these days. When I saw his daughters, it reminded me of seeing Daso's sisters, kind of brown and deeply gorgeous, one night when I visited his family home just before we went off in the caravanette. 

Big Skies in Bellshill!

Friday 5.15 p.m.
                         For some reason they have changed the settings for this bloggy which is a total pain in the butt. Since I started only staying in Newmains one night a week since the New Year, going there has been fine. Though it does, unfortunately, keep me from visiting the Samye Ling, it is the only thing I do these days to help someone else, so.
                         I took the bottom photie of cherry blossoms walking home through Stockbridge and it seems to be focused. So it seems that the photies of flowers have to be taken as portraits, not as scenery or on auto, or whatever the other setting is. Dearie me. The old phone I had took photies of flowers and trees without all this malarkey, but of course the colour was all wrong!!
                         I'm going to have a great deal of bliss to put up with this evening. What a fortunate creature I am, I am! What a fortunate creature I am!