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Monday, 9 April 2012

Turning away from Samsara

Easter Monday 12.42 p.m.
                                         Three people leave comments on this blog. One of them does not seem to be in great health. The other two are obviously suffering from the legacy of the brutal calvinistic toilet training inflicted on them by their evil bourgeois parents, all shiny shoes and def, dight, def, dight marching up and down, which has left them with a great sense of smell and one whole giant load of neuroses.
                                         The two nonagenarians I see every week are not in good shape at the moment at all. Of the other folk I see regularly, one has advanced MS, one is clinically depressed, and one is battling cancer and not well at the moment either. All my other old friends are deeply funged up and too dumb to meditate and staring into the abyss of forthcoming personal annihilation.
                                          Apart from that ....
                                          So there is very little I can do to help any of these people and I hope now has come the time when I decide to withdraw as much as possible and live the life of a hermit as much as I can. There is no other way to do this juju.
                                            I've had to fiddle around with Kindle stuff in the past year and I hope I'm now at the end of that. I am not an indie publisher, as they call themselves. I thought I should make some kind of effort with that because I have little money and I could use some even if it was to give it away, but I'm sure now that this isn't going to happen, at least, not through anything I'm going to do.
                                            So lets hope for more sober and straight times!!!


Anonymous said...

I say!

You could obviously form a cricket team called The Decrepit XI.

My Kalimbuka XI would take you to the cleaners.

Of course, what with Bingers' passing the other day, there's sadly not much cricket being played hereabouts just now.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! There was an article on the Bongo Bongo in the Scotland on Sunday and the right wing nutjob (whom I read every week! He's great!) was going on about aid being the new imperialism, etc. Could that be right? Hotboy

NaNoSkye said...

I guess that makes me the not so well one. Which is sadly true.

I am not so sure being a hermit would suit you. But maybe you need to do a long retreat. Save money you would spend on other addictions.

Hotboy said...

Marie! You're in the list of about five folk I think of during the medicine Buddha juju, and I know you are very brave!! I'm awful at being ill!! And you'r right about the long retreat. Can't do that just now with mother in law problems. But I need to hide anyway since I've vastly overspent in the last two months. Loved not drinking, etc., over the last few days. Lots of heat coming through! Have a great day! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

The best thing that could happen is not for aid to be increased, but rather that Developing Countries were allowed to play on a fair pitch. i.e. if, say, bananas/corn/raw materials/whatever which came from Developing Countries were allowed to be imported into USA or Europe without having to compete with heavily subsidised crops/materials produced in the USA or Europe.

At present, it's far too much of a home-produced wicket.


rob said...

Hotters. All my friends are completely normal, except Kevin obviously. And Spud's brother.

Swami Bob says we're all half-deid, but Doc Bob notes the empathy bypass is working for you.

Mingers. That's one of the most sensible comments I've ever read, on this post at least. Apart from Nanners' and Albert's.