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Saturday, 21 April 2012

Afternoon photies!

Saturday 4.32 p.m.
                            I took these photies on the way to the hut this afternoon. Then I went to the Botties, but it started to rain so I came home.
                            Blogger have totally changed the stuff you see when you log in. I hate that. I hate being forced to learn anything. I want to unlearn things. All I can see when I log on now is stuff from Albert's blog!! Fung liberty, so it is. I'd start a new blog somewhere else, but then I'd just have to learn more new stuff, and I hate that!!


rob said...

Hotters, I expect the blogger display can be tinkered to blot out Albert's infernal posts, but you'd probably have to read a manual.

The dodgy cam's colour cast is actually most effective. Yon McKenzie writer chappie could try wonky settings for his brain when he writes the next book.

Hotboy said...

Albert? He tells me he's no writing any more books as it's a waste of good meditating time! So that's a relief to everyone, I'm sure!

Hotboy said...

Albert? He tells me he's no writing any more books as it's a waste of good meditating time! So that's a relief to everyone, I'm sure!