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Friday, 3 August 2012

Time Trial Cramond

          I cycled to Cramond this evening and bought a pint of Old Brewery Bitter. 4% alcohol. This only costs £2.04, which is less than half of what the last pint I bought cost. I really enjoyed the cycling and think I might do more of that. Low impact. But it takes a lot of time. You need to spend hours on the bike! Hmmm?
           You could buy a pint of Dark Mild (2.8%) for £1.54. This is the perfect pub! You could neck eight pints of that and still cycle home!


rob said...

2.8%! You're going soft without Brian's steadying influence.

NaNoSkye said...

I don't recommend that much alcohol and bicycling. Good way to end up under someones tyres.

I love my bicycle, it is a lovely form of meditation. But I'm all about the moving meditation. I just don't sit well.

Hotboy said...

Marie! I've got to take a lot of exercise because I sit still so much!

rob said...

Hotters. Dr Bob says did you figure that out all by yourself?

Anonymous said...

I say!

Did you fall off your bike this time?


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! One pint! One lovely pint! The old, toothless one was so pissed beforehand he could not get on his bike, so I had no bad influences with me in the pub! Hotboy