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Sunday, 26 August 2012

Towards the Samye

Monday 00.20 a.m.
                             I went for a walk in the Botanics today. I had new batteries in the camera. I got them because I'm going down to the Samye Ling for five nights as of tomorrow. Sometimes I may have to sit through the passage of time, but I hope I am not frustrated, and can do the bliss and be happy, and contented, and satiated. That would be nice.


NaNoSkye said...

Pretty pics, I wish my garden was so lovely.

Tomorrow is my birthday. Include me in your meditations.

Have a good and peaceful time at Samye, the weather looks poor for the week.

Hotboy said...

Marie! I wish my garden looked like that as well! All Bottie shots. Happy birthday and many happy returns. Hotboy p.s. From the Samye though I'm supposed to be staying off these machines!

Hotboy said...

Marie! I wish my garden looked like that as well! All Bottie shots. Happy birthday and many happy returns. Hotboy p.s. From the Samye though I'm supposed to be staying off these machines!

Anonymous said...

I say!

Quite right. It's not as if you're asking for much.


NaNoSkye said...


rob said...

Number 3 is such an effective fireworks time exposure.

Hotboy said...

Albert? I'm so glad you noticed that I'd taken the trouble! Hotboy

rob said...

If you're not blogging from Samye I guess that's a good sign that you're getting right into it.

Let me know if you'd like a guest editor when you go to Holy Isle.