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Monday, 29 October 2012

Monday Monday

Monday 4.05 p.m.
                            Well, the good news is that I haven't had any nicotine since Saturday. No nicorettes. No nothing. It's not nice, neither it is. I thought I had enough on my plate so I didn't start the fast today.
                             Poisonous had a sore back, so we couldn't cycle on Saturday. So we went shopping. For twenty quid, I bought a head torch for the Holy Isle. I put it in my shoulder bag thing. We got pissed and the next day the shoulder bag thing had disappeared.
                              Until then it was quite good fun! We started in the Cameo Bar and ended up in the Sandy Bells, which is probably my favourite pub.
                               The bliss/heat effects are tremendous, but I'm too restless with the withdrawals really. Still, meditated most of the day today till I had to go out to see the dentist. Onwards and upwards.
                                Brought to you from a computer in the local library - which is free. What a wonderful country this is!!!


Anonymous said...

I say!

The staff here in Kalimbuka have heard that no only do very old people in Jockland get a beer allowance, but that they also get free bus rides, and that this means they can get a free bus to the bottle store where they can get free beer, and when they drink too much they can get free pills from the doctor to make them feel better, and also free treatment from the dentists to repair their teeth after all the sugar, and when they die from drinking too much they can get buried for free.

They want to know whether everything is free in Jockland, and if so, how can they move there when they are very old.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! Everything is free for the old folks here! Free beer for the workers and the old people will be written into the new Scottish constitution. Hotboy

NaNoSkye said...

I hope you managed to get all the withdrawls done and over with by the time you head for Holy Isle.

Hotboy said...

Marie! I'm trying to live that Holy Isle lifestyle now and it is not at all easy! Still, this is the fourth day with no nicotine, so today might not be too bad. Hotboy

rob said...

I seem to remember Sandy Bells is up near the McEwan Hall. Losing stuff in pubs is annoying, I know, I did it today. Synchronicity!

Hotboy said...

Albert? This was after two months of being rather abstemious. I blame it on the lack of nicotine. This is the fourth day and it is still not nice! Hotboy

rob said...

Steel yourself with thoughts of the evil bourgeois shareholders on thefag companies.

NaNoSkye said...

If it was going to be easy there would be no value to it in your life.

I think that it is in struggle that we learn the most about ourselves and joy where we learn the most about others.