Tuesday 12.10 p.m.
Since I got back from the Samye Ling at the end of August, I've hardly been drinking. Mainly due to this, I think, I've lost over a stone in weight and now weigh in at eleven stone. I can't remember the last time I was eleven stone, probably a decade ago.
When I got back from the Samye, I put my jogging on hold and started being a bit more serious about prostrating. I've been doing about eight hundred a week, probably. I'm also trying to keep up my yoga, shadow boxing and tai chi, but the prostrations tend to push the rest into second place.
I've reached a new stage in the meditations, I think. I think I'm starting to stretch into something quite wonderful. All the effort has been so worthwhile. This is the hope and joy of my retirement. I find difficulty expressing how fantastic this feels because this blog is read by some of the most unfortunate creatures to walk the earth. Fancy hearing about the bliss and all and still being too dumb too meditate. It's beyond stupidity. It's tricky being a humanist when all the humans are walking around with their heads stuck up their backsides!!
The Domestic Bliss is going away for nearly a fortnight towards the end of this week. I'll be days and days without having to see anyone. Hurrah!!
I say!
The staff here in Kalimbuka have asked me to ask you whether it is true that very old people like yourself are given an allowance by the Jockland government for keeping warm in the cold season and buying firewood. Can you confirm this?
Mingin'! Alas, due to climate change, the allowance is now for shades and Bermuda shorts. Hotboy
Glad to hear that things are progressing in the directions you are working for.
Enjoy your time alone and don't make a mess in the kitchen.
Marie! I'll give the place a quick wipe before she gets back! Hotboy
I say!
Is it true that the Jockland allowance for firewood for very old people is enough to buy all the charcoal in Mangoche? And also, does it come in the form of vouchers to be exchanged for firewood, or in the form of money which you can actually spend on beer instead?
Is Jockland therefore the country of milk, honey and free beer?
My staff would like to know.
Mingin'! The money is for beer. To keep warm it is necessary to go and sit in the pub and very old people haven't got the money for that unless you give it to them. Hotboy
It must be a lonely path for a prophet like yourself, without the company of other roundheids.
If it's any help I know what it's like to be surrounded by deifheids.
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