Sunday 12.45 p.m.
Something wonderful is happening with the bliss at the moment. The name of the game seems to be opening these channels. If this is what's happening, it's been happening for a long time, but these days the results of this are more explicit. You close your eyes and you're away. This is a fantastic amount of bliss to go almost straight into. Then if you do a vase breath, just one, you're hitting wonderland. Of course, you have to stay there and concentrate, and it comes and goes, but every time it comes it seems to come on more bliss.
I'm trying not to get depressed by being surrounded all the time by flatheids. Just because they are all miserable, stupid basturns doesn't mean that I have to be like that. Sometimes I must say, like just now, my life seems absolutely wonderful. Everything outside the meditations - my body, faculties, etc., - is bound to get worse, but the meditations are, and are, bound to get better and better. Of what a fortunate creature, I am, I am! What a fortunate creature I am!
It would be a wonderful afternoon to meditate in the hut, but I've already agreed to go cycling with Poisonous. And it is a beautiful day!!!
Think yourself lucky. I'm surrounded by flatheids AND deifheids!
Albert? A sign has appeared on the page. 2200+ GIRLS. No strings attached. Do you get that in yon desert where you live? Hotboy
Hotters. Nothing showing here. You've picked up an infection. That's what comes from visiting porn sites.
Albert? It shows up on facebook too. Maybe you're too far away from Eastern Europe. They'd have to send the infection by post. Hope this helps. Hotboy
If it's only affecting you it could be digital leprosy.
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