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Friday, 7 December 2012

Not Going on Retreat

Friday 10.21 a.m.
                           Whilst waiting for the white van man to deliver some furniture.
                            I've been thinking a lot about the Holy Isle retreat, not surprisingly! I've been trying to make life as quiet as possible so that when I go away it won't make much difference. Also, since I saw the lama, my weight is down to eleven stone and I'm not even drinking once a week. I'm really getting quite fit with all the prostrations and shadow boxing and all.
                            It never does to anticipate things too much. I'm not the only one around here and the other one if off her work just down with a condition turning a bit chronic right now. It's not the black spot getting handed out, but if it doesn't clear up before the start of January ....
                            But there have been a lot of black spots handed out recently. I expect to be going to a funeral this Tuesday. It's like the Somme out there, so it is! My advice to anyone who gets handed the black spot is to do what Albert did. He died years ago, but it didn't stop him getting around. You could also consider the folk who haven't been given the black spot. Look at Brian Wilson. I think he should get a dog because he's going to start trying to bite the men digging up the road and then they'll put him away.
                            So much for the flatheids, Jack. Still funged, eh, Hotboy? Well, if they'd started meditating when they started reading this blog they'd be doing the bliss by this time!!
                             I think I may not need to go to the Holy Isle. It would be wonderful if I could go there, but if I can't, I can do it here. Every day sees developments in the bliss. A breathless state becomes easier to imagine.


rob said...

To get the Holy Isle experience at home you'd need to ask the DB to lock you in your room and handcuff you to the radiator, but even then Brian would be trying to pass you bottles through the window.

That Albert guy sounds like a bit of a messiah.

Sorry to hear about the DB. I was telling someone this week how she had the ability to fall down an entire flight of stairs while remaining vertical, clutching the wall. Then I couldn't remember if that was my description or if I pinched it from Alma Mater.

NaNoSkye said...

Sorry to hear that your Domestic Bliss is unwell. I hope it clears up.

I think going on retreat will be a good thing for you. I can understand being nervous about doing it.

Things will work out, they always do. Just not always the way we expect them to.

rob said...

I hope you get to go, and that she makes a full recovery so she can enjoy you being there.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Marie! Sometimes I think the three months will at times be rather challenging, but I'm ready for it. But if I don't get to go that's okay as well. Everything will be perfect in the end. Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

Have you considered being paid by pschology researchers for a study on the before-and-after effects of a retreat? Before: bad-tempered, drinking, smoking, no exercise : afterwards: good-natured, teetotal, exercise freak, etc.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! How much are you going to pay me then? I don't want any goats. I'm a vegespacian. Hotboy p.s. I've decided that you should go instead. It's only like the jail for three months.