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Monday, 9 May 2011

In the war against the machines!

Monday 9:31 p.m.
                            The machines are stupid. You have to remember that. Since I have decided that I must get out of my jobbie as soon as possible, I have been engaging with samsara more than usual. I have scanned a book. I must have taken me ten hours, only about three of them involving actual scanning. The scanner doesn't  work at the moment, so after about five hours or so, it will and I will be able to scan the book about Cyclists.
                            In order to engage with Kindle and start telling folk who buy stuff there what a wonderful fellow I am, I have to buy something from them. So tonight I tried to buy the Ancients book ( a real bargain at 86p!), but the Kindle tell me that I do not have anything to download the book to even although I have just downloaded Kindle for a PC, restarted the machine, etc.
                            I know that folk who do not meditate have hours and hours to fritter away on this or that, but I do want to meditate and I do not like engaging with these stupid machines. Why don't things just work?
                            I'm sixty years old. So I might have ten years left, if I'm lucky. I do not want to spend five of those years in some jobbie which stops me meditating. I thought a way out might be to engage with the machines and try to make some money, but the real way out of the jobbie is to learn to live on £500 a month.
                             That's three hundred to the Domestic Bliss and two hundred to spend, or fifty quid a week. That's job seekers allowance. At the moment I live on the minimum wage.
                             I'd have to last five years on that and the twelve grand they'd give me, wait for the old age pension which would put me up to what I have just now. Hmmm?
                             Be easily done if I just told all the flatheids to fung off. I don't want to go foreign holidays and drive about in motor cars, or be able to buy ... I've got a bike and a pair of running shoes. The money is not the problem. Desire is the problem.
                            "All compounded things are subject to dissolution. Pursue your salvation with diligence. Walk on."
                            Brian Wilson actually gave me a really good book to read. The first story is about this Jain nun. Now, that's renunciation!!!
                            The photies were taken today.


NaNoSkye said...

The photos are amazing. You have an eye for seeing the world.

A machine is just a tool, like a hammer. You have to learn to use it properly for it to be helpful instead of annoying.

Computery things aren't magic, they just have their own rules of play.

I saw this yesterday and thought of you.

But you might have to give up you vices to do it.

Hotboy said...

Marie! I've just seen my line manager and told him I'm retiring as soon as possible, so I will have to live with less money (even less!) and give up my vices anyway! Hotboy

Hotboy said...

Marie! I can't even see what I'm photographing since the viewing thing on the phone is all scraped! So no skill at all involved! Hotboy

rob said...

I think marie's saying in your case it's a gift rather than a skill. If I had the Bellshill brigade in my past, I'd be uncomfortable with compliments too. While we're at it, Albert said he admires your story telling abilities. Takes all sorts.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Tell Albert he can get a percentage of someone else's percentage (Brian Wilson's!)if he'll leave the url of the kindle books on toilet walls down by the docks! Hotboy