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Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Yesterday's photies!

Thursday 7:30 a.m.
                              It's a lovely morning this morning. Spent a lovely couple of hours in the allotment yesterday in the late afternoon. The Spango Yogini sent me a URL about the Tibetan yogis and I managed to watch it last night. The boy who got told by the Dalai Lama not to die for a while was most impressive. You can find it here
                               Looks like my mother in law is getting too, too old to live on her own.  The person who hasn't got a jobbie might be the obvious one to go and stay with her for some of the week. There is no computery thing in Newmains. After watching the yogis in Tibet, I don't think that's much of a hardship!!!.


rob said...

Tis a noble thing to live with an oldie. We'll be the next infirm oldies - and that's if we're lucky! Hunter Thompson had the right idea.

PS The cellmate is going to stay with Albert's mother outlaw for 3 months.

Hotboy said...

Albert? You should look at the yogi video! That's the way to go!! Hotboy p.s. If you get lonely send me a plane ticket and I'll come down and drink some VB. Actually, just send a slab to Blighty!