Tuesday 9:20 p.m.
This is the third week I think since I stopped working. Of course, I'm not missing it one little bit. But the third week of the holidays during the summer is generally when you feel stressless, at least as much as you're going to feel.
I don't feel as if I've moved into tranquility yet. There's too much going on. I think the scanner is now okay, but I haven't been using it so there's still a book to be scanned. The Domestic Bliss has abandoned her part of the allotment so I'll have to dig and plant that, maybe this afternoon. My mother in law is still in hospital, but I have to get my business done before she gets out since I may be required. I've been doing stuff here and there with the consigliere about the kindle things. But I told the Domestic Bliss I would go to the movies tonight if she wanted me to, so that shows a difference. Before no way when I was going to work the next day.
My meditations are, despite all the bits and pieces of business flying around, going to very wonderful places now. I can't describe it and there's no use in talking to flatheids about it, but it provides a great reassurance. Everything is alright, for if you can just close it off, there is the bliss. In amazing amounts.
I watched the Scheme last night. What a shame!! What a waste! I saw the same thing in the Louis Theroux show the night before when he was interviewing folk in a Miami jail. There are more black people in jail and on probation in the states now than there were slaves. I wish everyone could get the bliss of course, but even if you told them about the bliss, they'd be too dumb to meditate. Even so called educated people from the evil bourgeois are too dumb to meditate. Sometimes this state of affairs strikes me as very, very bizarre.
If I get the bliss, Jack, because I meditate and other folk ... I think it would be nice to do some retreating here, from the war against the machines and everything else. There's something profoundly depressing about flatheids.
For an uplifting program you could try Rab C Nesbitt. Nobody knows what shape his heid us under that bandage.
Albert? Once I was on a bus full of bus drivers after the bus drivers annual do in Perth, Oz, and shouting where are all the poor people? There wasn't much conspicuous poverty in Perth! Hotboy
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