Saturday 10.30 p.m.
Sober and straight on a Saturday night. Meditated and went for a walk this afternoon, then this evening, after meditating some more, I did my first shadow boxing session for ages and ages, weeks due to the tyranny of the diggings. In the full Beer Monster Reduction Vehicle as well. It was actually not as bad as I was expecting and, in fact, I was feeling a lot better than I expected when I got into rounds five and six. The diggings have maybe strengthened me up a wee bit!
Somebody gave the kidbook about the town full of bugs a five star review today, but the book about the bliss, which was on a free download today, was not getting downloaded at all. I assumed this was because of the lousy review it got at the start of the week - it is the latest so the first review you see - but someone on a thread told me they'd downloaded the book earlier on, so there's been some glitch on the Amazon reports.
Sober and straight and now I'll lie on my bed and watch Match of the Day! What a life!
Viewing Match Of The Day from bed - you might as well be in a home.
Albert? I am in a home. Did you think I lived in a hutch? Hotboy
a - I thought you'd say that, and
b - recent pics of your pad have not suggested home.
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