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Sunday, 8 April 2012

Yesterday's Photies!

Easter Sunday 4.22 p.m.
                                     I was going to post these photies last night, but I got entangled with someone on the Meet Our Authors forum on Amazon and .... well, by the time I got round to writing the post, I was well over-excited so I just deleted it there.
                                     The apple blossom is just poking out now and you can see the red. I did a wee bit of digging this afternoon since I had to go to the allotment shop for compost (which they'd ran out of), but I will go back probably later on.
                                      Normally when I drink plonko collapso I don't feel bad the next day at all, but today - after the home brewed wheat beer - was a different story. No headache or anything, but I just don't feel great. So I poured the last three bottles down the sink and hope this can be the first sober and straight day for  probably a couple of months.
                                      The odd thing is that when I started meditating today the bliss was fantastic. It's probably not as good as it would have been had I been sober and straight last night, but .... maybe if I got really good at this juju, you could do that when you were sick. Like, feeling sick with your eyes open and blissed with them closed. But I think this is a bit too much to ask or expect. I guess if you're really ill, you'll just feel ill. But the hang over feelings just disappear, more or less, when you start to meditate, which is weird.
                                     Part of me says that I don't need to try very hard now. Whatever is happening seems to be happening whether I behave like an idiot otherwise or not. But this is not true. The times when I'm not meditating are being ruined when I've been drinking or smoking. Of course, I have to find a middle way.
                                      When I'm not meditating, I see the world more or less like everyone else. And I've always been an excitable boy. I'm going to try being sober and straight now till I have to go back to Newmains, but I don't expect to manage that. I'm skint anyway and this is boredom you can afford!!


Anonymous said...

I say!

It's not what you hae. It's what you dae with what you hae.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! It's not the cough that carries you off. It's the coffin they carry you off in. Hotboy

rob said...

My recent wheat brew has turned out very nice, though nothing like real hefeweizen. If I drank it in quantity I'd feel worse than you though.