Thursday 2:20 p.m.
I was taken to see Dunsinane by David Greig last Friday. It was one of those preview shows which don't cost so much. I really wasn't dead keen. The first reason I wasn't dead keen was because it was a sequel to Macbeth, which I thought was a dumb thing to want to write since the boy who wrote Macbeth is really quite rated! Also, Outlying Islands by David Greig was one of the first plays I took the kiddo to at the Traverse and I didn't think much of it at all.
But Dunsinane was brilliant. Really well written and superbly acted. I don't know how long the rehearsal time is for The Scottish National Theatre, but it seemed line perfect well before the first night. It's hard to think of a better play for a company called The Scottish National Theatre.
I thought I'd mention this since I've just read that it got a four star review on the Times today which I'm sure it richly deserved.
I'll have to watch out about pre-judging things since Alan Wilkins wrote a play I didn't fancy much and then wrote Carthage Must Be Destroyed, which was as good as anything I saw at the Traverse for years.
There really are a lot of good playwrights in Scotland these days. There used to be none, or just John Byrne. And Tom McGrath. And ...
Off to the hut for the afternoon's meditations then!
.. and the lass who wrote Men Should Weep? I saw it but can't remember if the main selling point was being written by a woman.
Do you remember Tom McGrath's trilogy at the traverse with Gregor Fisher?
And wasn't there another McGrath?
Albert? John McGrath .. The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black, Black Oil. I think remembering two playwrights is pretty good a my age! Hotboy
Considering the brain damage.
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