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Friday, 13 May 2011

Lost Post!

Friday Midnight
                        I put a post on blogger yesterday, but they must have lost it. The blogger thing was down all day for some reason.
                        Anyway, I went to the Botties again yesterday and took these photies. I went to the secret garden and had a meditate there. When I opened my eyes, this butterfly kept flying away and coming back to sit on the book I had on my lap. You need something or the flatheids think you're weird just sitting there, and you are!
                        After a week with no tobacco, sober and straight at last!!!


Anonymous said...

I say!

I've been in the bush for a month. What did I miss?


NaNoSkye said...

Pretty butterfly.

My sister used to go to the river with her lawn chair and a fishing pole with a lead weight on the end of the line. She would set it all up and tell folks that asked that she was fishing for a nap.

Hotboy said...

Mingin'! I gave up my jobbie! And now I'm in secret training for a competitive run with the old, toothless one with a large side wager! Get your money on Hotboy!! Hotboy
Marie! Your sister sounds like a laugh. Americans aren't supposed to have a sense of humour. Well, the owner of Starbucks was on the radio the other day and the interviewer said his whole book was dead serious and had no sense of self mockery or irony at all! She got him to read a passage and she said she couldn't read it without laughing and the guy was totally bemused; had no idea what she was talking about. That's why he's a billionaire of course and she isn't. But he seemed like an alright guy!!

rob said...

A few years ago there was a giant golden keyhole sculpture in the Botties. It might still be there if some enterprising jocko hasn't nicked it.

Hotboy said...

Albert? What an awful piece of art that sounds like! I'm glad I missed that! Hotboy