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Thursday, 5 May 2011

Mixed Thursday!

Thursday 9:50 p.m.
                             Wasn't quite right today somehow. Maybe smoking too much soapbar last night. Maybe training too much for an old, fat joe over the last two nights. The shadowboxing session the night before last was intense. There's nothing quite like the shadowboxing I do.
                              The Domestic Bliss was around today, so I couldn't have done the wonderful Thursday anyway. We went to vote. I love going to vote. Well, I remember it. It's like the days you remember going to mass on a Sunday with your family.
                              Before I left the house I was going to vote SNP for the constituency vote, Greens for the regional vote, and NO to the referendum on the alternative vote. I ended up voting SNP for the constituency vote, Margo Macdonald for the regional vote, and No to the Alternative Vote. I told myself that I can't vote for Labour anymore because they like stupid wars, and I don't like party lists (the regional vote) because that's for cronies. I voted No to AV because I now loathe the liberals and they'd always be in government. I want to get rid of the monarchy and be in a Scottish republic, so I want first past the post because I feel that I'll always be in a minority.
                               So my sister phoned me up to tell me to stay out of Bellshill because the painters and decorators are coming tomorrow. There's a continual stream of bloody painters and decorators going through that house. Most are alcoholics or recovering alcoholics, or their sons, who are often with them, are just out of the slammer because they were alcoholics before they started recovering. The Auntie Kathy admires the labouring men who take no tea, and don't eat, and just work till the job is finished. Then they get a backhander and head for the pub. Ragged trousered philanthropists, so they are!
                             My sister told me that everyone she knows in Blantyre is voting for the SNP. Changed days. Once everybody I knew voted Labour. Once they managed to fall out with the Catholic Church you could see the ground shifting with the Labour Party and the olden days. My sister voted Green for her regional vote on the party lists. She's also looking for something like the old commies. The Greens look like the commies to me, but in a modern guise. I wouldn't have minded voting for them today. Voting in Scottish elections is a lot more fun. They should have the voting stations set out like bookies shops with lounge seats, and coffee, and a huge, huge ballot paper.
                             I went to see our friend with the MS today. She seemed really pleased to see me, my silent friend. Except she wasn't so silent today. She seemed strangely happy. The wummin on the other bed was lying flat out and made a noise. I went over and she said her neck was sore though maybe not in those exact words. I went and told the nurses. Two nurses came dead quick. I did not like them. They did not care. But they raised the wummin up a wee bit on the bed. At least she could see us if she wanted to from there, but I do not think she was too interested. But maybe not.
                           "Whoever you are, I've always relied on the kindness of strangers."


rob said...


Hotboy said...

Albert? Well done! Hotboy

rob said...
