Thursday 8:30 a.m.
This morning I'm going to meditate and make a loaf of bread. This afternoon I'm going to waste a few hours trying to get the scanner to work, but I will do at least another hour on the cushion. This evening I will plant the Domestic Bliss's cabbages and broccoli for her up the allotment, and do a bit of meditating as well, no doubt.
I'm oozing with positivity at the moment. This is the kind of life I was supposed to have when I was thirty five. Controlling my own time. I love it, I love it, I love it.
Yesterday afternoon I spent two hours on the bike and found the cycle path way to Cramond, but I cannot post the photies since that part of the machine was disabled to allow the scanner to work. Of course, the scanner still doesn't work. I took two photies of trees that blew down in Inverleith Park on Monday. I was bit awed cycling passed them yesterday. What force does it take to push a mature tree over?
5 p.m.
I came to the machine about an hour ago and thought I'd go to my other blog and write something about the most recent book to be uploaded on kindle and then waste my time with the scanner later. But I cannot sign into the other blog, the one about the writings, so I've been wasting my time trying to do that instead. Great these machines, so they are! Anyway, I managed to meditate for four hours plus today so far. At least that wasn't a waste of time!!
I say!
Is that the first time you've headed off for Crammond, and not ended up in Balerno? Well done!
Mingin'! I've got a perfect sense of direction when I get paid, straight for the bad stuff!! Hotboy
Doc Bob says ... I forget what he said but it was to do with being 35, which is 5 7-year periods.
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