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Tuesday, 24 May 2011


Sunday 11:58 p.m.
                            I had a fabulous day of meditating, but then I had to got and visit the mother in law in the hospital. I was a bit shocked. Maybe not too long to go there. But her family were there and talking and helping away. I was sitting beside the bed in a half lotus, as you do, and the Medicine Buddha juju was coming upon me. Just a wee bit. The bliss and the heat/ warmth and the feelings of trying to fill everything with the bliss.
                           The auld mother in law maybe doesn't have too long to go, but her family will be there and they do love her. The really evil bourgeois, who all deserve to die like dogs, will not have this comfort. They die on their own. The evil calvinist protestant toilet training regimes they inflict on their progeny, whom they obviously don't actually like, cause them  to die like dogs of course, and so it will be. The mother in law, who is loved by one and all, will die in confusion, and love, and misunderstanding, but she will not die like a dog.
                          Just after one day of sobriety and not  smoking anything, I was sitting at the mother in law's bedside and felt as if I was spontaneously emanating as the Medicine Buddha, but not quite. Just a hint.
                          Are you now entering the magical realism universe, Hotboy? I certainly hope so, Jack. Anything is better than this pile of shite!


rob said...

These days even dogs needn't die like dogs.

NaNoSkye said...

I wish your mother in law a safe journey and a fortunate rebirth. It is good that she has people around her who care.

My posts seem to disappear. Very strange.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Did you watch the Tibetan yogi video I sent you? No, well, that's the way to go! Hotboy
Marie! My comments on your post disappeared recently. Blown away by the wind maybe!! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

I expect that, by now, you are really missing your work. The friendly banter, the sense of achievement, the coffee room chat, etc. Have you begged them to take you back yet?


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! It's an inservice day today. I would have been sitting in an empty library doing nothing all day, trapped! Later on, I may miss the adoration of the schoolgirls, but I'm so so happy not to be working. So happy I can't express it fully!!! Here comes the Medicine Buddha!! Hurrah!