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Friday 3 February 2012

Where is the Beef?

Friday 9:55 p.m.
                        I was expecting to fall into an open grave this evening as Beef McDuck is back in town, but when I got home from Bellshill, I meditated for a bit and probably missed him. I phoned just before six. I guess by then he'd be in the pub.
                       Even the-just-dug-up one would feel revitalised by a visit to Wishaw Main Street. I stood there today for forty minutes because the first bus didn't stop. Terrible looking folk! Fat, plooky, smoking, ill-dressed fat basturns the lot of them! Really not healthy looking at all!! It might be the not-working population which skews the view a little, but people in the Far East on the whole aren't as ugly as us. We're really ugly. Of course, I'm gorgeous, but it's a shame about most of the rest of them.
                       All this travelling on public transport and thinking I'd be going out to the pub and whatnot ... well, the meditations are not getting the settled situation in which to flower, but tomorrow ... Oh, I've got to go the Liberton Hospital tomorrow. Dearie me! As soon as you start trying to emanate as the Medicine Buddha, you start getting surrounded by sick people. I should have tried emanating as a tantric sex god and maybe I'd be surrounded by gorgeous babes by this time. Maybe not.


rob said...

Hotters. Never mind the beef, where's the snow? PS Someone seems to have got hold of your camera and reset the date.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Why would anyone read the date on a photie? Just asking. Hotboy

rob said...

Hotters, I think you're saying OAPs start off not caring, and eventually not knowing, what day it is.

What I can't figure out is why someone would display a date on a photie in the first place.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Yeah, how come it's got a date time thing on it? Hotboy

rob said...

The machines are running the place. Fridges have their own Internet accounts. What next!