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Wednesday 28 March 2012

Another nice day!!

Wednesday 10.28 p.m.
                                   The first photie is of the tree outside the bog window.
                                    Another very good day. In the afternoon I got a bus uptown to get some vitamin supplements. I thought I remembered that I needed vitamin B12 for something. I was pretty sure it was for the leprosy, but I couldn't really remember. Anyway, I started taking vitamin B complex supplements, which have 40% of your recommended daily amount of B12, a wee while ago when I started getting cracks at the side of my lips sometimes. Anyway, the pills I bought have 4,000% of your recommended daily allowance.
                                   The wummin in the shop said that the pills were quite big and asked if I'd have any problem swallowing them. I wanted to say that due to my misspent youth there would be no bother swallowing the pills, but I demurred.
                                   I looked up the vitamin on the computery thing and it says that if you're a vegan (i.e. don't eat meat, fish or dairy, like moi, a kind of accidental vegan) then there is no satisfactory way for you to get any B12, and them  that died of the leprosy would be the lucky ones.
                                   Anyway, at fourteen pence a pill what can you say? Take two!
                                   I have dug all of one side of the allotment apart from a wee bit where there are strawberries needing to come out. I reckon there's about nine hours of digging left. Then there's the planting. Then perfect peace of a few weeks as the ground stays brown. Cue the jungle!


NaNoSkye said...

I have to have injections of B12 once a month. But I no longer have the part of my gut that makes or stores it.

Important to keep track of the things your body needs when you chose to feed it in a non standard way. Our minds may be happy vegan, but our bodies go back to a time when we require animal proteins to be truly healthy.

The digging looks wonderful. Why are you taking out the strawberries?

Hotboy said...

Marie! Anything that is nominally under the control of the Domestic Bliss gets overrun with grass, so that's why I'm moving them. They're getting choked! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

I hope the rainy season comes soon to your garden.


rob said...

The cellmate has the same gardening abilities as the DB.

4000% is a massive overdose, even by your standards. It'll all balance up in reverse leprosy.